Tuesday, 31 December 2013

It happened, as per usual!

As with the multitude of Blogs started across the universe by many people, This one took an unplanned, but very predictable hiatus. I could claim some improbably reasonable reason for having taken a break but that would be lieing!

In all honesty when summer finished and work began A whole host of other activities in my life began to take precedent - going to work being one of them. Others including playing music in my church and spending reasonable amounts of time with the girlfriend.

Most galling of all is the fact that my consumption, of internet and TV in particular, has only risen since starting work. Clearly indicating the difficulty of remaining resourceful and pro-active when work finishes. My commute is two hours all in all (an hour there and back), I should aim to make this time more productive but currently I mostly sit in a daze.

I have resolved to detox from television come january - not so much a new years resolution but a necessary requirement to tackle the pile of un-read books still amassing in my house. I discovered recently that my grand-dad would annotate his books with his thoughts, opinions and relevant news clippings. This is something I hope to emulate, and in so doing make reading a more conversational and thought-provoking activity. Wish me luck!

I have a number of planned blogs to which I simply need to flesh out points, but who knows how long that will take.

Apologies to the nobody who reads this, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!